“All unhappiness is due to the ego. With it comes all your trouble. If you would deny the ego and scorch it by ignoring it you would be free.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The mind turned inwards is the Self; turned outwards, it becomes the ego and all the world.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Your duty is to be and not to be this or that. 'I am that I am' sums up the whole truth. The method is summed up in the words 'Be still’ ”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“You can only stop the flow of thoughts by refusing to have any interest in it.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny nor free will, neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“There is neither Past nor Future. There is only the Present.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“If the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural (real) state.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“All that is required to realise the Self is to “Be Still.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Let what comes come. Let what goes go. Find out what remains.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Realisation is not acquisition of anything new nor is it a new faculty. It is only removal of all camouflage”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Eventually, all that one has learnt will have to be forgotten.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“No one succeeds without effort... Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The only useful purpose of the present birth is to turn within and realize the Self.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“If you hold this feeling of ‘I’ long enough and strongly enough, the false ‘I’ will vanish leaving only the unbroken awareness of the real, immanent ‘I’, consciousness itself”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The explorers seek happiness in finding curiosities, discovering new lands and undergoing risks in adventures. They are thrilling. But where is pleasure found? Only within. Pleasure is not to be sought in the external world.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The enquiry ‘Who am I?’ is the principal means to the removal of all misery and the attainment of the supreme bliss.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“You are awareness. Awareness is another name for you. Since you are awareness there is no need to attain or cultivate it.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“You are already that which you seek.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“A day will dawn when you will laugh at your past efforts. What you realize on the day you laugh is also here and now.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Whatever draws the mind outward is unspiritual and whatever draws the mind inward is spiritual.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and require a higher power to help you, or investigate the cause of misery by going to the source and merging into the Self. Either way you will be free from misery. God never forsakes one who has surrendered.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The man who prays, the prayer, and the God to whom he prays all have reality only as manifestations of the Self.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The question 'Who am I?' is not really meant to get an answer, the question 'Who am I?' is meant to dissolve the questioner.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“When the mind that is subtle goes out through the brain and the sense-organs, the gross names and forms appear; when it stays in the Heart, the names and forms disappear.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Peace is your natural state. It is the mind that obstructs the natural state.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“If one’s mind has peace, the whole world will appear peaceful.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“While God sustains the burden of the world, the spurious ego assumes its burden, grimacing like an image on a tower, seeming to support it. If the traveller in a carriage, which can carry any weight, does not lay his luggage down but carries it painfully on his head, whose is the fault?”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“It is enough that one surrenders oneself. Surrender is to give oneself up to the original cause of one’s being. Do not delude yourself by imagining such a source to be some God outside you. One’s source is within oneself. Give yourself up to it. That means that you should seek the source and merge in it.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The purpose of all these illustrations is to direct the seeker's mind towards the one Reality underlying them all.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The whole universe is only mental.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“When the I is divested of the I, only the I remains.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“What the mind has to do is not to suggest a reply, but to remain quiet so that the true reply can arise.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Surrender, and all will be well. Throw all responsibility onto God. Do not bear the burden yourself.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“All that is needed is that you give up your realisation of the not-true as true.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

Unless intellectually known, how to practice it? Learn it intellectually first, then do not stop with that. Practise it.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“When the world appears (to be real), the Self does not appear; and when the Self appears (shines) the world does not appear.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. And hence Silence is the Self.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Silence is most powerful. Speech is always less powerful than silence.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Pleasure and pain are only aspects of the mind. Our essential nature is happiness.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“He who thinks he is the doer is also the sufferer.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The world is not outside you.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The thing to do is to concentrate on the seer and not on the seen, not on the objects, but on the Light which reveals them.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“That which is not present in deep dreamless sleep is not real.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Reality is simply the loss of ego. Destroy the ego by seeking its identity. Because the ego is no entity it will automatically vanish and reality will shine forth by itself.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“In truth, you are pure consciousness. The body has been projected by the mind, which itself originates from pure consciousness.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Forgetfulness of your real nature is true death; remembrance of it is rebirth.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“When the mind is left without anything to cling to, it becomes still.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The state we call realization is simply being oneself, not knowing anything or becoming anything.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The solution to your problem is to see who has it.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The more you prune a plant, the more it grows. So too the more you seek to annihilate the ego, the more it will increase. You should seek the root of the ego and destroy it.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Without knowing the Knower, all the knowledge that one gathers cannot be valid.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Peace can reign only where there is no disturbance, and disturbance is due to thoughts that arise in the mind.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Does one require proof of one’s own being? Only remain aware of yourself and all else will be known.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“All are seeing God always. But they do not know it.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Bliss is a thing which is always there and is not something which comes and goes. That which comes and goes is a creation of the mind.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The ultimate truth is so simple; it is nothing more than being in one’s natural, original state.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“One must realise his Self in order to open the store of unalloyed happiness.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“See who is in the subject. The investigation leads you to pure consciousness beyond the subject.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Meditation depends upon the strength of mind. It must be unceasing even when one is engaged in work. Particular time for it is meant for novices.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“There is no seeing. Seeing is only being.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Whatever be the means adopted, you must at last return to the Self, so why not abide as the Self here and now?”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“It is within our competence to think and become bound, or to cease thinking and thus be free.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The self is known to every one but not clearly. You always exist.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The experience of silence alone is the real and perfect knowledge.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“If you observe awareness steadily, this awareness itself becomes the Guru that will reveal the Truth.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“You have to ask yourself the question ‘Who am I?’ This investigation will lead in the end to the discovery of something within you which is behind the mind. Solve that great problem and you will solve all other problems.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Turn the mind inward and cease thinking of yourself as the body.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The self cannot be found in books. You have to find it for yourself, within yourself.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“You are the Supreme Being, and yet thinking yourself to be separate from it, you strive to become united with it. What is stranger than this?”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Of all the thoughts that rise in the mind, the thought ‘I’ is the first thought.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Whenever a thought arises, enquire, “To whom did this thought arise?”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The Self is the one Reality that always exists, and it is by the light of the Self that all other things are seen.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“There is no greater mystery than this, that we keep seeking reality though in fact we are reality.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Our identification with the mind and body is the chief reason for our failure to know our self as we truly are.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The body dies, but the spirit that transcends it cannot be touched by death.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“God illumines the mind and shines within it. One cannot know God by means of the mind. One can but turn the mind inwards and merge it in God.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The man who has the sense of the body being himself cannot possibly worship God as formless; whatever worship he makes will be worship in form alone, not otherwise.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“All we need to do is to give up our habit of regarding as real that which is unreal.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Actions themselves form no bondage. Bondage is only the false belief,“I am the do-er.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Is it the world that says I am real, or is it you?”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Apart from the body does the world exist? Has anyone seen the world without the body?”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The man who prays, the prayer, and the God to whom he prays all have reality only as manifestations of the Self.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“That alone is Real which exists by itself, which reveals itself by itself and which is eternal and unchanging.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Instead of indulging in mere speculation, devote yourself here and now to the search for the Truth that is ever within you.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Mind your business. Take care of what you came here for. Find the ‘I’ first and you may afterwards speak of other matters.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“If the light of the sun is invisible to the owl it is only the fault of that bird and not of the sun.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“As the activities of the wise man exist only in the eyes of others and not in his own, although he may be accomplishing immense tasks, he really does nothing.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The ultimate Truth is so simple. It is nothing more than being in the pristine state. This is all that need be said. till, it is a wonder that to teach this simple Truth there should come into being so many religions, creeds, methods and disputes among them and so on! Oh the pity! Oh the pity!”